
An accessible tabs component.

The CTab and CTabPanel elements are associated by their order in the tree. None of the components are empty wrappers, each is associated with a real DOM element in the document, giving you maximum control over styling and composition.


import { CTabs, CTabList, CTabPanels, CTab, CTabPanel } from "@chakra-ui/vue-next";


<template>  <CBox w="600px">    <CTabs>      <CTabList v-model="selected">        <CTab value='1'>One</CTab>        <CTab value='2'>Two</CTab>        <CTab value='3'>Three</CTab>      </CTabList>      <CTabPanels v-model="selected">        <CTabPanel value='1'>          <p>Panel One</p>        </CTabPanel>        <CTabPanel value='2'>          <p>Panel Two</p>        </CTabPanel>        <CTabPanel value='3'>          <p>Panel Three</p>        </CTabPanel>      </CTabPanels>  </CTabs></CBox></template><script setup>import { ref } from 'vue';const selected = ref(1);</script>

Tab Variants

Tabs come in 6 different variants to style the tabs: line,enclosed, enclosed-colored, soft-rounded, solid-rounded, unstyled.

<CBox w="600px">  <CTabs variant="enclosed-colored">    <CTabList v-model="selected">      <CTab value='1'>One</CTab>      <CTab value='2'>Two</CTab>      <CTab value='3'>Three</CTab>    </CTabList>    <CTabPanels v-model="selected">      <CTabPanel value='1'>        <p>Panel One</p>      </CTabPanel>      <CTabPanel value='2'>        <p>Panel Two</p>      </CTabPanel>      <CTabPanel value='3'>        <p>Panel Three</p>      </CTabPanel>    </CTabPanels>  </CTabs></CBox>

You can also change the color scheme for any specific variant by passing the color-scheme.

The value of color-scheme must exist in the theme object, and must be a key in theme.colors that has the 50 - 900 color values.

<CBox w="600px">  <CTabs variant="solid-rounded" color-scheme="green">    <CTabList v-model="selected">      <CTab value='1'>One</CTab>      <CTab value='2'>Two</CTab>      <CTab value='3'>Three</CTab>    </CTabList>    <CTabPanels v-model="selected">      <CTabPanel value='1'>        <p>Panel One</p>      </CTabPanel>      <CTabPanel value='2'>        <p>Panel Two</p>      </CTabPanel>      <CTabPanel value='3'>        <p>Panel Three</p>      </CTabPanel>    </CTabPanels>  </CTabs></CBox>

Tab Sizes

You can change the size of the tab by passing size prop. We support 3 sizes sm, md, lg

<CBox w="600px">  <CTabs variant="solid-rounded" color-scheme="green" size="sm">    <CTabList v-model="selected">      <CTab value='1'>One</CTab>      <CTab value='2'>Two</CTab>      <CTab value='3'>Three</CTab>    </CTabList>    <CTabPanels v-model="selected">      <CTabPanel value='1'>        <p>Panel One</p>      </CTabPanel>      <CTabPanel value='2'>        <p>Panel Two</p>      </CTabPanel>      <CTabPanel value='3'>        <p>Panel Three</p>      </CTabPanel>    </CTabPanels>  </CTabs></CBox>

Fitted Tabs

Stretch the tab list to fit the container by passing is-fitted prop.

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